• “Ghost Light Dramaturgy.”  University of Connecticut, 17 Feb 2011.
  • “Ghost Light Dramaturgy.” Southern Appalachian University, Charleston NC, forthcoming.
  • Addressed the Ellis Preparatory Girls’ School, Pittsburgh on As You Like It, 9 Dec 2010
  • “Ghost Light Dramaturgy.” University of California at Santa Cruz, 16 Nov 2010.
  • Expert Panelist, Coney Island USA Museum History Conference, 15-16 April 2010
  • Interview with Larry Bogad. Pittsburgh G20 Protest Scholarship Series. The Waffle Shop, Pittsburgh PA. 25 September 2009.
  • “A Fresh Look at the History of Short-Statured Actors.” Keynote Address. Little People of America Association National Conference, Brooklyn, NY. 6 July 2009.
  •  “Smokescreen: How Coney Island Reinvented Itself to Survive Left-Wing Activists, Right-Wing Demagogues, and Big Tobacco.” Coney Island USA Museum “Ask The Experts” Summer Lecture Series. 5 July 2009. Brooklyn, NY.
  • “Phronesis: Re-concieving Dramaturgy as a Cultural Studies Discipline.” Humanism Panel, Carnegie Mellon University, 7 April 2009.
  • Moderator, Expert Panel, Deliberative Poll on Marriage. Campus Conversations, CORO Center for Deliberative Democracy, Carnegie Mellon University, 24 Sep 2008.
  •  “Liliputia: The Secret Utopia of Coney Island’s Midget City.” Coney Island USA Museum “Ask The Experts” Summer Lecture Series. 25 May 2008, Brooklyn, NY.
  • “Staging The Front Page.” Hampton High School, Pittsburgh, PA. 15 October 2008.
  • Moderator, Expert Panel, Deliberative Poll on Public Art Policy. Campus Conversations, CORO Center for Deliberative Democracy, Carnegie Mellon University. 11 Apr 2007.
  • “Choosing an Academic Theatre Season” with Elizabeth Bradley. Narr. Marge Myers. Lab A6.  I-Tunes Podcast, Carnegie Mellon University. 30 Mar 2007.
  •  “Opposing the ‘Academic Bill of Rights.’” Narr. Victor Cohen. The Fightin’ Lefty Review. WRCT Radio, Pittsburgh. 12 Apr 2006.
  • Expert Panelist, Deliberative Poll on the “Academic Bill of Rights.” Campus Conversations, CORO Center for Deliberative Democracy. CMU, 11 Apr 2006.
  • Keynote Speaker: “Beyond Borders: Illusions of Normalcy in Film” Series. Center for Disability, Law, and Human Policy, Syracuse University. 24 October 2005.
  •  “Remembering August Wilson.” Narr. Sheila Kast. On Point. National Public Radio. WBUR, Boston. 07 October 2005.
  • “New Freakery as Theatre of Transgression.” Public Lecture: Carnegie Mellon
  • University, February 19, 2004.
  • “A Prurient Curiosity: The Freak in American Cultural History.” Public Lecture: Carnegie Mellon University, November 11, 2003.
  • Chair: “Legacy of McCarthyism” panel. Rights and Terror University of Washington Academic Symposium. April 4-8, 2002.
  • Chair: “War on Campus: UW Students and Faculty Respond” panel. Rights and Terror University of Washington Academic Symposium. April 4-8, 2002.
  • Introduced and hosted live talkback following simulcast of CMU School of Drama performance of Nathan the Wise, Doha, Qatar, 11 March. Also gave lectures to various cultural and educational organizations in Qatar.
  • “Immaculate Reception: Performance of Power in the 2008 Pittsburgh Steelers Post-
  • Super Bowl Riots.” ASTR, 19 November 2010.
  • “Future Leaders of Carnegie Mellon Workshop,” Jared Cohon and Mark Kamlet. Participant. Carnegie Mellon University, 5 September 2009.
  • “La Pocha Nostra” Performance Workshop, taught by Guillermo Gomez-Peña and Roberto Sifuentes. Participant. Pittsburgh, PA. June 2-4 2009.
  • “Being an LP in the Entertainment Industry” Workshop. Participant. Little People of
  • America Association National Conference, Brooklyn, NY. 6 July 2009.
  •  “Mapping Practices in Late Medieval Conversion Plays.” With John A. Warrick. Mapping Performance Culture Conference, University of Nottingham, UK: 3 April 2009.
  • “The Paradigmatic Paradox of the Early Modern Map in two Medieval Conversion Plays.” With John A. Warrick. American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) National Conference, Boston, MA: 12 November 2008.
  •  “On Publishing in Academic Journals.” Graduate Student Advisory Panel. Society for Disability Studies (SDS) National Conference, New York City, NY, 17 Jun 2008.
  •  “America Different: Santa Fe’s Zozobra as Utopian Performative.” With J. A. Ball. American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) National Conference, Phoenix AZ, 17 Nov 2007.
  • “From the Margins to the Mainstream: Disability Theatre Takes Center Stage in Pittsburgh.” Society for Disability Studies (SDS) National Conference, Seattle, WA, 12 Jun 2007.
  • “On Publishing in Academic Journals.” Graduate Student Advisory Panel. Society for Disability Studies (SDS) National Conference, Seattle, WA, 12 Jun 2007.
  • Reader, Beyond Victims and Villains, excerpts from plays by leading disability playwrights. Society for Disability Studies (SDS) National Conference, Seattle, WA, 12 Jun 2007.
  • “Loving the Alien: The Underground Circus Movement in the United States.” American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) National Conference, Chicago IL, 17 Nov 2006.
  • “Venus Descending: Re-Enfreaking Sarah Bartmaan and Surrogating the New South Africa.” Society for Disability Studies National Conference, College Park, Maryland, 15 Jun 2006.
  • “’A Simple African Woman:’ Burying Sarah Baartman, Consecrating the New South Africa.” With J.A. Ball. American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) National Conference, Toronto CA, November 2005.
  • “Blood, Body, and Bone: ‘Living History’ as a Pedagogical Tool for Conservatory Training.” Theatre Historiography Research Group: American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) National Conference, Toronto CA, November 2005.
  •  “Goin’ Medieval: the Importance of Early Modern Studies to the Theatre School Curriculum.” Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) National Conference, July 2005
  • “Players, Passions, Mel Gibson, and the Structures of Medieval Anti-Semitism.” Association for Jewish Studies (AJS) National Conference, Chicago IL, December 2004.
  • “Wild and Untamed Thing: The Erotic, Exotic, and Neurotic Rocky Horror Performance Cult.” American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) National Conference, Las Vegas, NV, November 2004.
  • Chair and Presenter: “Disability, Dystopia, and Disabuse: Querying ‘Dismodernism’ in the American Theatre.” ATHE National Conference, Toronto, 29 July 2004.
  • “Wilt the Unicorn Serve Thee? Dismodernism and The Glass Menagerie.” ATHE National Conference, Toronto, 29 July 2004.
  • Chair and Presenter: “Disability, Dystopia, and Disabuse: At What Price ‘Dismodernism?’” Double-length panel. Society for Disability Studies National Conference, St, Louis, MO, June 5-8 2004.
  • “Wilt the Unicorn Serve Thee? Dismodernism and The Glass Menagerie.” Society for Disability Studies National Conference, St, Louis, MO, June 5-8 2004.
  • “Mohammed In Their Mouths: Falsehood, Forgery, and Forgetting in the representation of Jews on the Medieval Stage.” Comparative Drama Conference, Columbus OH, April 29-May 1, 2004.
  • “Freak Hegemony: Normalizing ‘Manifest Destiny’ in the 1876 Philadelphia World’s Fair.” Nineteenth-Century Studies Association National Conference. St. Louis, March 11-13, 2004.
  • “This Is My Blood You Drink: Staging the Jew in the Early Modern Theatre.”  Association for Jewish Studies National Conference, Boston, December 21-23, 2003.
  • “’Ukhe wambona no umpathi? (Have You Seen The Boss Anywhere?)”:Theorizing a Post-Apartheid Dramaturgy for Master Harold… and the boys..” with J. A. Ball. American Society of Theatre Research National Conference, Durham, NC, November 20-23, 2003.
  •  “Le Freak, C’est Chic: The Eroticizing Gaze and the Changing Face of Disability in Performance.” ATHE National Conference, San Diego. July 24-28, 2002.
  • “Norm-Stalgia: Ableism and Theatre History.” Society for Disability Studies (SDS) Annual Meeting, Oakland CA. June 5-9, 2002.
  • “The Mechanics of Freakery: Performing Monstrosity in the Nineteenth Century American Freak Show.” Comparative Drama Conference, Columbus, OH, April 25-28, 2002.
  • “The 21st-Century Freak Show: Pornography of Disability or Theatre of Transgression?” Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), St. Louis, MO. March 7-10, 2002.
  • “Hoc Est Corpus Meum: Theatrical Transubstantiation and Christian Mimesis in the Croxton Play of the Sacrament.” Comparative Drama Conference, Columbus, OH. April 24-28, 2001